More Than 28 Years of Experience in Beautifying Bay State Lawns
Superior Yard Care Services From Experts
More Than 28 Years of Experience in Beautifying Bay State Lawns
Superior Yard Care Services From Experts

Making Your Lawn
the Envy of the
For the finest lawn care in Middlesex County, hire Lawn Solutions. We’ll transform your lawn to make it verdant and lush by focusing on improving the root structure of the grass plant. This allows for more efficient soil nutrient absorption and sustainable healthy lawns. Our services include fertilizing, irrigation maintenance, insect control, and more.
Organic fertilizers are available to clients seeking to improve their lawns naturally. Our holistic approach to lawn care seeks to strengthen the entire bed of grass from the root up.
Call (978) 692-6900 today to learn more about our lawn care, irrigation, and insect control services.

Making Your Lawn
the Envy of the
For the finest lawn care in Middlesex County, hire Lawn Solutions. We’ll transform your lawn to make it verdant and lush by focusing on improving the root structure of the grass plant. This allows for more efficient soil nutrient absorption and sustainable healthy lawns. Our services include fertilizing, irrigation maintenance, insect control, and more.
Organic fertilizers are available to clients seeking to improve their lawns naturally. Our holistic approach to lawn care seeks to strengthen the entire bed of grass from the root up.
Call (978) 692-6900 today to learn more about our lawn care, irrigation, and insect control services. today to learn more about our lawn care, irrigation, and insect control services.

Lawn Care

Tick, Flea, and Insect Control


Get your lawn started right this season; have Lawn Solutions fertilize your lawn to have it looking healthy and green come summertime. Both organic and nonorganic fertilizers are available.

Irrigation Maintenance
If you have a sprinkler system and you need spring startup and fall shutdown services, Lawn Solutions can help! We can also inspect, troubleshoot, and repair sprinkler head malfunctions.

Tick & Insect Control
Ticks and mosquitoes can transmit harmful diseases like Lyme Disease, EEE, and WNV. Keep your lawn insect-free with regular property line treatments from Lawn Solutions.